20 Epic Examples Of Online Shopping Expectation Vs Reality

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Today Esnackable brings 20 Epic Images of Online Shopping Expectation Vs Reality. Due to the Improvement in technology, everything is available with just one click. Nowadays you can do anything online from paying a bill to booking an appointment and buying anything while staying at home is not a problem. But if it has positive points then it also comes with some major flaws. Although online shopping is much time and energy saver. But you can not see things in person. Some people might lucky enough to get the best deal but some are not as lucky as others. Their online shopping experience turned into a disaster. So check out these 20 Epic examples of Online Shopping Expectation Vs Reality memes.

  1. 1 “I DONUT recommend to buy it online.”

  2. 2 “It seems something has gone wrong here.”

  3. 3 “It was supposed to be a “mid-weight knit sweater.”

  4. 4 “Ordered this costume for my 5-year-old...”

  5. 5 “What was I thinking when I was buying this non-refundable potato sack for $60?”

  6. 6 “ОK, can anybody recommend anywhere I can get my head shrunk?”

  7. 7 “What I wanted vs what I got — the wedding is tomorrow.”

  8. 8 When you were buying a dress for yourself but got one for your daughter:

  9. 9 “My sister ordered boots for her Halloween costume and this is what came in the mail...”

  10. 10 “I ordered my birthday outfit and wanted to cry, y’all.”

  11. 11 “Online shopping is truly entertaining.”

  12. 12 “The very rare occasion when the plus size item you ordered online is way bigger than expected”

  13. 13 “I live in here now.”

  14. 14 The dress with a wrap...or not?

  15. 15 “I just wanted a nice knit sweater for the winter season and instead, I got a spandex long-sleeve shirt.”

  16. 16 “As you might have already guessed, I’m going to ask for a refund.”

  17. 17 “Do they think I’m Slenderman?!”

  18. 18 “I bought a dress to go to a wedding and when I saw it, I was shocked.”

  19. 19 “The seller claims this is the same skirt that I ordered.”

  20. 20 “I learned my lesson to never order a prom dress online again.”

  21. 21 “How do you expect me to fit my body into this supposed size 8 dress?”

  22. 22 “Update: fits nicely around my leg!”

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