15+ People Ordered Online And Regretted It So Badly

Today we have gathered 15+ People Ordered Online And Regretted It So Badly. Nowadays online shopping is very popular. Who needs to go out in extremely cold or hot weather, when you can sit at home and order online. Almost all of us shop online once in our life. 

Although this is very risky to buy online. Some times you get totally different things. So here are 15+ People Ordered Online And Regretted It So Badly. Hae a look and enjoy it.We often Hear Online shopping Expectation vs Reality stories and reviews but the ones below are epic.

  1. 1 “A girl I know wanted a dress made. She paid $200 for the materials and paid for the work. She was deceived and the situation is sad, but just look at this ’dress’! I’m crying!”

  2. 2 What I ordered for vs what I got

  3. 3 But the color is same

  4. 4 “Don’t want to alarm you, but I think someone has stolen the sequins off the trousers I ordered. Not very happy, as I ordered them for award show tomorrow!”

  5. 5

  6. 6

  7. 7 “I bought my prom dress from China and it didn’t look anything like it looked online. 17-year-old me was heartbroken.”

  8. 8

  9. 9 “I think whoever made this head hole was given some ’Misguided’ measurements! I ended up looking like a flowery human turkey!”

  10. 10

  11. 11 “My nephew ordered a Medium Chicago Bears sweater, and got sent a Medium... For dogs. I can’t stop laughing.”

  12. 12

  13. 13 “When you ordered the trainers on the left and receive these. Is this a joke?”

  14. 14 Are these for real?

  15. 15 “So I ordered this dress for my cousins’ wedding tomorrow and this is what arrived.”

  16. 16 “I ordered a bold T-shirt on ASOS. I got this.”

  17. 17 “They weren’t even a day old... $150 thrown right into the trash can.”

  18. 18 Perfect color match

  19. 19 “I ordered size 10 Crocs online and this is what they sent.”

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