20 Moments of Expectations Smashed drastically

Here we have gathered 20 Epic Images Of People Who Had Their Expectations Smashed Drastically. The most aggressive feelings hit badly when our expectations don’t meet reality. Waiting for something for days and when you receive a total fail definitely dries anyone crazy. What about a huge treat for a tiny dog, or a plastic ring instead of a silver and amethyst one, or a strawberry cheesecake ice cream with no strawberries. For such epic fails check out these 20 Epic Images Of People Who Had Their Expectations Smashed Drastically.

  1. 1 When you’re craving the new taco from Burger King:

  2. 2 Seller pictures vs reviewer pictures on Wish

  3. 3 “Be sure to always check the size when ordering treats!”

  4. 4 When daddy tries to do it:

  5. 5 “Traveled 2,874 miles to see the Cliffs of Moher...”

  6. 6 “My targeted Facebook ad purchase was a real let down.”

  7. 7 “Well, I tried.”

  8. 8 Scored a third eye gumball!

  9. 9 “Was pretty annoyed that I paid $110 for this.”

  10. 10 “These pancakes at my hotel this morning.”

  11. 11 “My husband ordered a mask for Halloween last year off of a Facebook ad, and this is what we ended up with.”

  12. 12

  13. 13 “I expected at least some Oreos...”

  14. 14 When burritos turn out to be just tortilla:

  15. 15 “My wife ordered this Cactus Cat Scratcher and 2 months later she received just a bag of rope with no instructions, no wood, and not even a packing slip.”

  16. 16 When you buy a cheese pizza and you just get the bread:

  17. 17 The strawberries are non-existent.

  18. 18 Not a single broccoli head

  19. 19 Horrible cookie

  20. 20 “Let’s just say I was pretty excited for my Genie face mask, until I put it on...”

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