15+ Epic Images Of People Who Regret visiting Hairdressers So Badly

Today we have collected 15+ Epic Images Of People Who Regret visiting Hairdressers So Badly. A perfect hair cut can change anyone’s looks. The more we look good the more we embrace our selves. We always dreamed of getting a nice looking hairstyle that suits our personality. But what if getting the opposite then what you expect. Be that as it may, now and then, an endeavor to accomplish a cool new picture is broken by a brutal reality: the degree of a beautician’s demonstrable skill isn’t close at all to the value we pay attempting to set aside some cash. These images below show how people ended up getting the worst hair cut and regret their visit to the hairdresser. Check out these 15+ Epic Images Of People Who Regret visiting Hairdressers So Badly.

  1. 1 What is the picture on the right? Wrong answers only.

  2. 2 “All I wanted were bangs that looked like Dakota Johnson’s. I showed her multiple pictures and this was what I got. It’s been over a year and they look fine now, but wow, I was suffering for a few months there.”

  3. 3 Expectations Vs Reality: Curly hair

  4. 4 The top 2 are reference pics. The bottom right is what I got. Bottom left is when I went to a new salon a few months later.

  5. 5 “My sister got a $10 haircut earlier today.”

  6. 6 This girl wanted her bangs to be like the ones in the lower photo. But one side ended up being shorter than the other."

  7. 7 “It was over $200 and she didn’t even realize that anything was wrong. I went back to get it fixed a few weeks after and it looked exactly the same so I’m never going there again.”

  8. 8 “What my wife wanted on the left vs What she got on the right. She got a refund and they tried to fix it, but she found a different place.”

  9. 9 “I got it professionally done because I didn’t want to mess it up.”

  10. 10 “Haircut I showed the hairdresser vs What she cut. I just cried in my car afterward.”

  11. 11 Left pic is what I asked for, right pics are what I ended up with.

  12. 12 “Left is what I wanted, right is what I got.”

  13. 13 “Went to a pretentious hipster place for a pink ombre. Things did not go well.”

  14. 14 “Homecoming hairstyle my daughter asked for vs What she got”

  15. 15 “Asked for caramel balayage, came out looking like a tiger.”

  16. 16 She paid $165 for color and this is what she got

  17. 17 “My friend wants to go to school to be a hairdresser, I let her practice on my hair... I never thought I loved my hair so much before this happened.”

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