30 Most Amusing Images Of What People Are Doing During Quarantine

Here are 30 Most Amusing Images Of What People Are Doing During Quarantine. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, everyone is self-isolating. You can hardly go out. People are stuck in their homes. But some people are more creative or amusing than anyone else. When they are bored, they came up with some hilarious ides to kill the time. These people are not wasting a single minute to entertain themselves and others during the quarantine. So check out these 30 Most Amusing Images Of What People Are Doing During Quarantine

  1. 1 Day 4 Of Quarantine

  2. 2 My parents are losing it. I received an email from them with the title “rare gargantuan cardinal sighting” (one with a giant grey plume) - with these pictures. 50 years of marriage. 30 days of quarantine.

  3. 3 The Moment You Realise Coronavirus Boredom Has Set In

  4. 4 Bored At Home And Folded This Koi Fish

  5. 5 I Officially Reached Maximum Boredom Last Night

  6. 6 Quarantine Day 10. Dinosaurs Have Reclaimed The Land

  7. 7 A Hairstylist Friend Of Mine Is Doing Her Boyfriend's Hair Each Day They Are Quarantined

    So far we have Princess Leia, Amy Winehouse, 90's prom, Cindy Lou who, and George Washington.

  8. 8 day 6 of quarantine: my dad gave a talk to the cats about covid-19

  9. 9 My Mom Kinda Lost Her Mind In Self Quarantine

  10. 10 Experts Recommend Sticking To Your Daily Routines

  11. 11 Day 8

  12. 12 Day 10 Of Quarantine. C Section Went Smooth And All Babies Are Safe

  13. 13

  14. 14 While Updating A Bathroom, I Left A Surprise Under The Floor For The Next Remodeler

  15. 15 Quarantine Day 10

  16. 16 I Made A Teeny Tiny Paper Version Of All The Office Characters Because I Have Time To Kill

  17. 17 My Family Had Some Fun With Post-It Notes To Entertain People Who Pass By

  18. 18 "Dad, We're Bored!" (Day 1 Of Lockdown)" Ummm Ok, Strip This Laptop Down, And This Desktop, And Then Rebuild Them"

  19. 19 New Treasure

  20. 20 Chose And Laid Out My Outfits For The Next 2 Weeks

  21. 21 My Hometown Knows How To Quarantine

  22. 22 Trying To Explain Why He's Been Getting So Much More Attention Lately

  23. 23 My Grandparents Have Been Married For 67 Years. Handling This Quarantine Well

  24. 24 Every Day I Post A New Travel Picture From My Self-Quarantine. Now, Which Way To The Taj Mahal?

  25. 25 Quarantine Day 5

  26. 26 Quarantine Day 9: Silvia Is On A Roll

  27. 27 Day 5 Of Quarantine

  28. 28 Love My Roommates, But This Quarantine Got Me 'Bout To Kill All Of 'Em

  29. 29 Another Productive Day Working From Home

  30. 30 Thank you for giving me daughter a prom

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