20+ Unusual Pictures Of Super Human Beings That Will Leave You Stunned

Here are 20+ Unusual Pictures Of Super Human Beings That Will Leave You Stunned. It is true that everyone born different, everyone has their own special features. Everyone is unique in their own way. But some people are more blessed and they got extremely unique features that can amaze anyone. Their spectacular features make them unique. So here are 20+ Unusual Pictures Of Super Human Beings That Will Leave You Stunned.

  1. 1 “My left eye is about 1/3 grey.”

  2. 2 “Don’t mind me, just charging.”

  3. 3 This guy has anisocoria — a symptom in which one pupil is functioning normally and the other one is always in a fixed position.

  4. 4 “Melanin goddess” Khoudia Diop — a model with the darkest skin in the world.

  5. 5 “This is the first full body picture I dared to take.”

  6. 6 “I have a condition called dermatographism, where I can ‘write’ on my skin and it appears as a rash.”

  7. 7 Edam — the baby with the darkest skin

  8. 8 “I was born missing my right pinky finger.”

  9. 9 “A kid from Nepal with Cat eye syndrome.”

  10. 10 “Vitiligo affecting one side of a man’s face.”

  11. 11 “My dad has 6 fingers on each hand. He uses his 2 middle fingers in a very original way.”

  12. 12 This girl used her prothesis as a chalkboard during her trip around Europe.

  13. 13 The bodybuilder Ia Östergren has disproportionately long legs. Her height is 5’8″, and the length of her legs is 3’5″.

  14. 14 “I had my eye removed due to genetic degradation. My ocularist made me this prosthetic as a gift!”

  15. 15 “My ring finger goes ghostly white when I’m cold. ”

  16. 16 Friends all with bionic arms.

  17. 17 This girl lacks the thumb joints and creases.

  18. 18 “I was born with a scar on my eye.”

  19. 19 “Dirt stuck to my normal skin but not my scars.”

  20. 20 More than 96% of the body of Julia Gnuse is covered with tattoos. She struggles with porphyria — a disease in which sunlight causes burns on the skin.

  21. 21 “I can see the internal bruising in my finger when I hold my hand up to a light.”

  22. 22 Ava Clarke — an African American girl with albinism

  23. 23 “My friend lost his leg, but not his sense of humor.”

  24. 24 Elaine Davidson — the most pierced woman in the world

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