30 Times People Order Grocery Online During Quarantine And Got Extra Sized Surprises

Today Esnakable brings 30 Times People Order Grocery Online During Quarantine  And Got Extra Sized Surprises. As we all know that world is in lockdown situation due to coronavirus. People are in quarantine. And in order to stay safe and stay home, most people are buying groceries online. But if we talk about  Organic products, vegetables, and berries come in different shapes and sizes⁠—simply like people do. In markets, only those products are kept for sale which are in good size and shapes. overgrown and misshaped veggies mostly thrown away or feed to the livestock. But due to a shortage of everything. The online markets are even sending costumers what they will never buy when they buy them if they can see them before. These online purchases turned out to be hilarious and shocking surprises for them. So check out these images 30 Times People Order Grocery Online During Quarantine And Got Extra Sized Surprises. 

  1. 1 I ordered 1kg of sweet potatoes from the Wholesalers. They sent one single mutant potato -behold PotatoZilla

  2. 2

  3. 3 Although I’m not sure if mine can be classed as a ‘sweet’ potato. The veins are quite off putting

  4. 4 Of course I had to compare this onion to my dog’s head

  5. 5 I got five pounds of carrots from a restaurant supplier. It’s four carrots.

  6. 6

  7. 7 This very big blueberry. Apple for scale.

  8. 8 I see your thicc carrot and you raise you extra long carrot

  9. 9 This was 1.3kg

  10. 10 I got a giant onion recently, apocalypse is coming

  11. 11 Sweet potato unit

  12. 12 Was gonna be like, wow, I've never seen one that size and checked my veg basket... turns out I have 😆 and got a huge strawberry the other day too 🍓

  13. 13

  14. 14 Giant egg

  15. 15 I’ll see your PotatoZilla and raise you my Carrot-Kong.

  16. 16 This asparagus spear

  17. 17 I had a similar experience with a leek! Couldn’t fit it in the fridge!

  18. 18 This absolute unit of an onion.

  19. 19 This chestnut mushroom

  20. 20 This Biggest garlic clove

  21. 21 Potato unit 2.0. Glasses for scale

  22. 22 This absolute strawberry I found

  23. 23

  24. 24 This Costco sized avocado, from Costco

  25. 25 This beast of a curly fry which was the first to come out of the bag.

  26. 26 Over sized pear

  27. 27

  28. 28 Yes, that’s a grape.

  29. 29 I have a rival to yours. I baked it

  30. 30

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