20+ Astonishing Female Celebrities Tattoos

Celebrities are always in the spotlight. Some are trendsetters. so it is very important for them to stay up to date. But when we talk about tattoos, it is more likely to be related to your luck. Some tattoos are astonishing. But on the other hand, some are totally a huge failure.

In this article, we have gathered 20+ Astonishing famous Female Celebrities Tattoos. Luckily these beautiful ladies found incredible artists who inked amazing tattoos on their bodies. See the pictures and let us know which one you like the most.

  1. 1 Ariana Grande tattoo

    These famous celebrity tattoos are an inspiration to all female fans out there. 

  2. 2 Ariana Grande hand tattoo

  3. 3 Kylie Jenner’s “Mary Jo” Tattoo

  4. 4 Emilia Clarke’s finger tattoo

  5. 5 Demi Lovato tattoo: arm stack with a life-like portrait of her grandmother

    Demi is one of the most searched female celebrities with arm tattoos. She is one of the favorite girl celebrity of the 90's generation. 

  6. 6 Kaia Gerber tattoo on her left ribcage ; an ornate like design tattoo

  7. 7 Kylie Jenner tattoo on elbow

    Another cute celebrity tattoo is Kylie's arm tattoo. 

  8. 8 Hailey Bieber Tattoo on ear ; little diamond behind her ear

  9. 9 Hailey Bieber shoulder Tattoo

  10. 10 Charles Melton got “Cami,” Camila’s nickname, tattooed on him!

  11. 11 Demi Lovato tattoo on Finger

  12. 12 Scarlett Johansson’s wrist tattoo

  13. 13 Sienna Miller’s swallow tattoo bird

  14. 14 Wrist tattoo

  15. 15 Kristen Stewart’s Infinity tattoo

  16. 16 Kendall Jenner’s Heart Tattoo

  17. 17 Mena Suvari’s tattoo on back

  18. 18 Rihanna’s Pisces tattoo behind ear

  19. 19 Rita Ora’s Heart Outline

  20. 20 Sienna Miller’s Cluster of Stars

  21. 21 Wishbone tattoo of Hilary Duff on forearm

  22. 22 Paris Jackson has a pair of feathers tattoo just behind her right ear in its native form

  23. 23 Megan Fox’s tattoo on her back

  24. 24 Lena Headey aka Cersei

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