30 Coronavirus Stories Will Make you Believe In Humanity Again

Since the coronavirus outbreak has been started. We rarely heard of any good news. Almost fifty thousand people died due to this deadly disease globally. It is becoming harder as days are passing. But no need to feel so bad. Here we have gathered 3 Coronavirus Stories Will Make you Believe In Humanity Again. These images show that love and kindness still exist in this world. Scroll down and grab your tissue papers as it is going to be an emotional ride. 

  1. 1

  2. 2 Belgian woman, Suzanne Hoylaerts aged 90, dies of #Covid_19 after refusing a respirator, telling her doctors "Save it for the youngest [who need it most], I've already had a beautiful life." Not all #Heroes wear capes !

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  4. 4 A man in Morristown, NJ standing outside the emergency room with this sign. Remember to say thank you to those on the front lines!

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  7. 7 We're quarantined but this was the most beautiful thing I saw today, and it deserves to be shared

  8. 8 After Fighting Corona In China, The Same Medical Team Are Traveling To Fight In Italy. True Heros

  9. 9 My assisted living is on lockdown so he comes every day to see his dad and they talk through the phone, sweetest thing ever

  10. 10 Granddaughter Telling Grandfather The News Of Her Engagement

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  16. 16 This distillery is using their equipment to produce hand sanitizer, and giving it away for free.

  17. 17 One of my neighbors left a bag of toilet paper on my front door and with the way things are in the world right now, being a single mom and struggling with my bipolar lately, this small token of generosity moved me to tears.

  18. 18 Real Heroes Deserve More Appreciation

  19. 19 Ms. Chen Hides 65 Pets, Abandoned During Wuhan Outbreak, In Her Small Home. Authorities Only Allow 1 Pet Per Home, And They Kill The Animal If Owner Got Covid19

  20. 20 True Hero. After Fighting Corona In China, The Same Medical Team Are Traveling To Fight In Iran

  21. 21 Small Shop Gives Away And Delivers Free Essentials Packs

  22. 22 Fitness Trainer Leads Neighbors In Group Workout During Coronavirus Lockdown In Spain

  23. 23 A Family In PA Giving Away Free Toilet Paper To Anyone In Need; Be More Like These People

  24. 24

  25. 25 My Neighborhood Little Free Library Transformed Overnight

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  27. 27 Image Of One Of The Many True Heroes Of The Fight Against Corona Virus Pandemic In Iran - The Nurses!

  28. 28 Jenn’s A Human Being A Bro. Thank You Jenn. My County Has The Highest Count Of Covid-19 In Our State

  29. 29 A Table Was Setup By Somebody In My Town To Help People Struggling During This Chaotic Time.. This Is What Should Be Happening!

  30. 30 Someone Placing Random Hand Sanitizer Station Around In Public Places

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