25 Unseen Photos Of Celebrities While Eating

In this era, celebrities are always in the eyes of camera. They are followed by billions of people. This is a huge presure. So they always wants to look amaizing and charming. To influnce the audience.  But while eating everyone even celebrities, just forgets everything in order to enjoy food. Pepparrazi is always in the search of that perticular moments, so they can capture unusual pictures of them. Some of them might become successful in this purpose. But not all are same. Celebrities are experts in handling any kind of situation. No matter even they are eating. Here we have gathered 25 Unseen Photos Of Celebrities While Eating.

Credit: Instagram

  1. 1 Joe Jonas fiercely crashing and smashing his face into a wholesome sandwich.

  2. 2 Kanye And Kim Posing While Eating Ice Cream

  3. 3 Cara Delevingne Gently Placing A French Fry Through Her Lips

  4. 4 Ed Sheeran literally imploding his mouth with, at the very least, 47 chocolate balls.

  5. 5 Katie Price being bored and completely unamused by a full bite of a feasty forkful.

  6. 6 Hugh Jackman Eating An Apple On The Fly

  7. 7 Kendrick Lamar getting his cobbed corn on in a palm tree.

  8. 8 Bruce Willis scarfing down some lobster salad.

  9. 9 Ryan Reynolds about to hit on his yogurt.

  10. 10 Marky Mark Wahlberg seriously taking a bite of deli meat between rye, and a car.

  11. 11 Nick Jonas surprises himself while chewing into a smear of butter on toast.

  12. 12 Kate Hudson bored while delicately placing a crispity chip on her tongue ready for crunching.

  13. 13 Jenna Jameson secretly shucking an oyster into her mouth as if she’s applying makeup.

  14. 14 Chrissy Teigen making love to a sumptuous miniature sized cheeseburger.

  15. 15 Hayden Panettiere devouring a bite of scrambled egg before she further scrambles it with her teeth.

  16. 16 Emma Stone delicately getting what looks to be a double wide dose of corn dog.

  17. 17 Nicole Polizzi aka Snooki busting a move with a mouthful of pickle.

  18. 18 Sara Jessica Parker takes a summer bite of luscious mouth watering watermelon.

  19. 19 Cynthia Nixon crunching into a crispy egg roll.

  20. 20 Kourtney (maybe Kim) Kardashian opening real wide for a crunchy bite of lettuce.

  21. 21 Floyd Money Mayweather doubling up on a hot dog 🌭 and hamburger

  22. 22 Kirsten Dunst being fed a slurp of soup.

  23. 23 Jamie Fox biting into red white and blue cake.

  24. 24 Harry Styles shoving a banana in his mouth.

  25. 25 Nicole Richie about to snap into a corn dog.

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